When Nancy’s sister gives birth to her nephew, she cannot wait to take over and be his favorite aunt. But one day, as she’s changing her nephew’s diaper, she sees an uncanny resemblance to her husband.
My younger sister, Sandy, had recently given birth to her first baby — and I couldn’t have been happier. I had always wanted to see my sister become the mother she had always wanted to be.
My husband, Trent, and I have two children, and I adore being a mom. But I couldn’t wait for my sister to have a baby so that I could be an aunt.
Sandy had fought a silent battle with infertility for a long time. In the process, she tried a range of different methods, from things like IVF to homeopathy. Finally, against all odds, she triumphed, and the shared joy of the new addition to our family brought us closer than ever.
Author : igneoyasiornekleri.com