Don’t be afraid to help out whenever you can because we never know how much a small act can mean to the people next to us.
Even if it is not a material offer, we always feel better when we assist someone or simply offer something without expecting anything in return.
After Joyce Rhinehart attended the tennis practice of her nephew, the two of them decided to go for ice cream together.
They saw a family eating ice cream together as they prepared to leave. It appeared that everyone was doing well and was having a good time.
Joyce asked the family to take a picture if they were okay and they agreed because she felt an odd.
Joyce posted the picture to Facebook with the following nice caption after obtaining the family’s permission “After taking this picture, I gave their daughter my phone and instructed her to send it to one of their phones.”
Joyce received a message from a stranger after a few days, and when she read it, she was shocked and very emotional.
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