There are a lot of people who deal with jealousy every day. We might need to work on controlling our jealousy, even if it’s just a little, so it doesn’t take over our lives.
Every day, a lot of people who are in relationships have to deal with someone who is jealous of them. Even though it’s not easy and can be awkward, it can be funny when it happens to someone else.
This crazy movie shows the woman who is known for being the Angry Lady Ever! She goes too far when she makes her boyfriend take a lie detector test every time he gets home. She won’t even let him watch TV shows about other women.
She and her husband, Steve, were on a talk show together and talked about their relationship. Deborah didn’t want a normal relationship with Steve. She made Steve follow a bunch of rules.
Being jealous isn’t always a bad thing; in small amounts, it can even be helpful. But it’s not fair to make your husband take a lie detector test every time he gets home.
They talked about it on This Morning in the UK back in 2015. It kind of made sense why she was jealous, like she said.
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