n 2015, on the set of the hit show “The Voice,” an enchanting love story began to unfold. This heartwarming tale, starring Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton, would go on to capture the hearts of millions and make them one of the most beloved couples in the entertainment industry.
After dating for five years, fans eagerly anticipated a proposal from Shelton. And finally, in October 2021, he got down on one knee and asked Stefani to marry him. The proposal took place in a stunning chapel that Shelton had built on his Oklahoma property, adding an extra touch of magic to their love story. The news quickly spread, bringing joy to their devoted fanbase.
To seal their love and commitment to each other, the couple had a romantic wedding ceremony in July 2021. Officiated by Carson Daly, the host of “The Voice,” the wedding took place on Shelton’s picturesque farm in Oklahoma. Since then, they have performed together as husband and wife, with Shelton embracing his role as a stepfather to Stefani’s children from her previous marriage.
Author : /igneoyasiornekleri.com